Tanki Online Hull of the Bi-Week: Wasp


Wiki Description: Wasp is a classic light tank. Its weak armour is fully compensated by its great speed, agility and small size. Its turret is placed closer to the back of the tank for easy manoeuvring in duels. It also makes it much easier to fire from around a corner.

Garage Description: Fast, with negligible armor. Its high speed and maneuverability take skill to control, but allow it to perform well on cramped maps. Great with short-range guns.









М0 М1 М2 М3 М3+
Available from border=0Recruit border=0Sergeant-Major border=0Colonel border=0General Micro-upgrades
Price of modification 100 +13 100 +102 700 +215 700 +745 600
Full price 100 13 200 115 900 331 600 1 077 200
Protection (hp) 65,0000 95,1765 136,0294 149,5588 180,0000
Weight 1 100,0000 1 285,2941 1 532,3529 1 614,7059 1 800,0000
Top speed (m/sec) 10,0000 10,7941 11,8529 12,2059 13,0000
Acceleration (m/sec²) 8,2000 9,2059 10,5471 10,9941 12,0000
Reverse acceleration (m/sec²) 12,0000 13,3235 15,0882 15,6765 17,0000
Lateral acceleration (m/sec²) 15,0000 17,3824 20,5588 21,6176 24,0000
Turning speed (deg/sec) 75,0000 94,8529 121,3235 130,1471 150,0000
Turning acceleration (deg/sec²) 160,0000 170,5882 184,7059 189,4118 200,0000
Anti-inertial turning acceleration (deg/sec²) 260,0000 289,1176 327,9412 340,8824 370,0000

Tanki Online Gun of the Bi-Week: Smoky

So, I haven’t posted in what seems in forever, so I will make a new series, alternating between turret and hull. Here is the basic turret:


Garage Summary: A gun for mid to long-range battles. Fires single shells and can land critical hits. Works well with all hulls.

Wiki Summary: Smoky is the cheapest gun in Tanki Online as well as the weakest at the beginning. However, its ability to inflict critical damage which is 5 or 6 times higher than usual makes the tank equipped with this gun an unpredictable and dangerous opponent.

Players Opinion:

Positive – High accuracy and rate of fire. Ability to knock off enemy’s aim. High critical damage will help to cope with any opponent.

Negative – Damage decreases with distance. To improve the effectiveness, each shot must hit the target. Critical hit chance can’t be controlled.









М0 М1 М2 М3 М3+
Available from border=0Recruit border=0First Sergeant border=0Colonel border=0Marshal Micro-upgrades
Price of modification 0 +11 000 +114 800 +268 600 +775 032
Full price 0 11 000 125 800 394 400 1 169 432
Min damage 18,0000 22,4706 29,7353 32,5294 37,0000
Max damage 22,0000 27,1765 35,5882 38,8235 44,0000
Reloading (msec) 2 000,0000 1 835,2941 1 567,6471 1 464,7059 1 300,0000
Critical damage 40,0000 58,8235 89,4118 101,1765 120,0000
Initial critical chance 0,1000 0,1000 0,1000 0,1000 0,1000
Min critical chance -0,0500 -0,1324 -0,2662 -0,3176 -0,4000
Max critical chance 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
Critical chance increase 0,0500 0,0853 0,1426 0,1647 0,2000
Range of max damage (m) 40,0000 44,7059 52,3529 55,2941 60,0000
Range of min damage (m) 80,0000 103,5294 141,7647 156,4706 180,0000
Weak damage (%) 20,0000 22,3529 26,1765 27,6471 30,0000
Rotation speed (deg/sec) 57,3 72,7 97,6 107,2 122,6
Rotation acceleration (deg/sec²) 114,6 134,5 167 179,4 199,4
Auto-aim upwards (deg) 9,0000 9,0000 9,00007 9,0000 9,0000
Auto-aim downwards (deg) 12,0000 12,0000 12,0000 12,0000 12,0000
Impact force 1,6000 2,1647 3,0824 3,4353 4,0000
Recoil 1,1000 1,4294 1,9647 2,1706 2,5000